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My Story

Going into 2021, I felt pitiful physically. During COVID, I had gained weight in undesirable areas and realized I had lost all my muscle tone.  It was a depressing time mentally as well being isolated from family to include a new grandchild. Everything stopped, including taking care of myself.


I wanted to take the easy way out.  I asked my husband about having some medical alterations to my body.  He joked at first but then made a statement that literally changed the course of my current state.  He said, "WORK FOR IT" After I picked my lip off the floor, I got up and went into our home gym.  I looked in the mirror and felt disgusted.  Where do I start, I thought?


I made a new years resolution to start working out again.  Unable to go to the gym, it felt as though my potential was extremely limited. I worked on my own until March 2021.  To my surprise, I made some progress.  But, I felt like I needed a plan.  I had been following some trainers on Instagram and decided to find one whose body was shaped like mine when they started.  I found her and pushed the purchase button.  I did it! bought the program.  It was only $75 quarterly and to my surprise included a meal plan.


Now, my transformation goes to another level.  I followed the plan, worked hard, changed my eating habits and stayed consistent. One year later, and look at my results. I didn't realize the magnitude of the change until I put the pictures side by side. This new version of me is seven pounds of new muscle, happier, healthier, and much stronger mentally and physically.




















Whatever your goal, You can do it!!! Follow me as I share tips to transform your body & mind.


20 vs 21.png

Left: December 2020, Right December 2021


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.



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