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Don’t Be Afraid of the Scale!

Updated: Jul 27, 2022

There's More To Your Fitness Progress Than The Scale

When I started my fitness journey in 2020, my first thought was to monitor my weight. Gaining muscle was the only thing on my mind. Always being told that muscle weights more, I totally expected the number to increase.

My online trainer would always tell us not to focus on the scale. The women in the Facebook group would often get discouraged because the scale made it appear as though there was no progress.

I learned there is no such things as quick results. We didn't get where we are currently overnight, and it can't be fixed overnight. The key is to be consistent.

More important than the scale is monitoring your progress. This is accomplished best by three things:

Progress Photos

Progress photos allow you to see where you have lost inches. Take them weekly in the same clothes and monitor the changes. The mirror may not be showing results, but photos give you a snapshot that you can truly review.

How Your Clothes Fit

Have you ever tried on some pants, and you couldn’t wear them? After you have given yourself a couple of months of consistently working out, try on that old pair of jeans. The scale may say no, but the jeans just might fit this time. Success! Measurements

So maybe the scale has gone up when you wanted it to go down. Perhaps you have been successful in gaining more muscle. When you take the time to measure, the proof is there. If there is any change, no matter how insignificant it may be, you are on the right track

You may not see a reduction according to the scale....but, you could be becoming leaner at the same time. Take it slow, remain consistent and I assure you the changes will come!


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