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Stay Consistent

Prioritize your physical and mental wellbeing

It’s so easy to get distracted all day long. I sit down for meditation time and the phone rings. I try to head out to the gym but the dishes need washing. It can all feel like too much. But, there is enough time in the day. You just have to take charge of it. You can’t be good for anyone if you are not taking care of yourself.

I’ve found that to be successful, I have to plan. What does that mean? The same way you block time for work, you have to block time for you. Put it in your calendar. Even if you don’t know what you plan to do with it, just write, "Me Time". That way, you are less likely to overcommit your day and not accomplish the things that are important to you.

When you get ready to waste time scrolling the net, remember what’s most important for a better you. A healthy you. Skip binging on that TV show so you get some quality self care time. Emergencies are going to come up and change your day. It’s inevitable. But you can control when you respond. Is it a true emergency? If yes, move your gym time to later in the day. Plan that walk this evening. But be committed to getting it in.

Don’t let everything and everybody dictate you day. Have a plan. Prioritize your wellness. You only get one you!


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